Tag Archives: Become

YA Book Lust aka My Imaginary Book Haul


Recently I have been considering getting back into reading Young Adult literature.  When I hit eighteen I decided that I was an adult and that as such I should only read ‘adult’ books.  However since I got into reading blogs I’ve realised that a lot of maturer adults then I love YA and that it is okay to read it at any age.

This led me to a really entertaining search on Goodreads and down below is a list of books that I really want to read soon.


I’m especially looking forward to reading Unspoken and The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan because I follow her blog and she is awesome.  I also can’t wait to sink my teeth into Timeless by Alexandra Monir because the synopsis is particularly interesting to me.  If you want to check out any of these books then the pictures are linked to their respective Goodreads pages (hopefully – I’ve never done this before!)